Thursday, February 4, 2010

Take a suit and make it suit you!

What a fabulous way to be suited up! Each jacket style is designed to accentuate a slimmer mid-section (even if yours is missing). The key is in the mix of stripes and prints. Notice the emphasis on the waist. They give an illusion of a waist even if you a challenged in that area!

Notice the front and back of the straight skirt. The buttons are in the back.. I gave it the"sit" test to insure there would be no gaps. The stretch in the fabric allows for the give needed. It "sat" beautifully.

The little print blouse worn under this vest is the same pictured above worn over the little tanks. So versitile!

This little skirt is the sassier version of the straight skirt for those who can handle it!

And here we blend different size stripes in the vest and pants to add depth to the over all look. Viola!

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